Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Too quickly.

Dear readers ♥,

  I don't want to waste my life.
Starting tomorrow, July 1st 2010 - I will be the new me.
Though I'm happy with many things is my life, it could be better. I want to have the best life I could possible have.
And with everything that has happened recently, now feels like the perfect time to start a new chapter of my life, I'm going to be who I want to be.
&This is who I want to be,

carefree, blissful, beauitful, tattooed, pierced, slim, fashionable, smart, witty
& fun.

The new Lana♥

Time passes quickly.

Dear readers ♥,

I've recently had a shock. Life is more fragile than I had ever realised.
 The passed two weeks had been absolutely blissful.  I got back together with my boyfriend, we realised life without each other wasn't what we wanted. It was my birthday last thursday, so I spent my weekend partying with those closest to me - It was lovely and I'm thankful to each and everyone of them who came.
However unfortunately, for some the passed weekend wasn't a happy one. I didn't personally know them, however they lived near by. Adam&Haidee were is a car accident, unfortunately Adam didn't make it however Haidee did. Simple accidents such as this is what it takes to show people how short our lives are. We shouldn't waste a second ♥.

 Here's a few of my happy moments, from my birthday,
I love you all.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Happy days.

Dear readers ♥,

Today was a lovely day.
 My lessons were less mind-numbing, I'd say I actually rather enjoyed myself. For me the best party of the entire day was playing tennis with Cloe, usually I give up easily thinking I'm not very good however today we stuck at it and were pretty darn amazing!
- It's amazing what we can achieve with a little inspiration.

Why can't someone look at me like this?

& Before I forget, My auntie just gave birth to a beautiful boy called Connor. Happy days.


Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Just yesterday...

Dear readers ♥,
 I thought I could manage a few minutes away from the revision of which I haven't started yet...

 Today has been a long day.
School didn't hold any interest for me whatsoever - I'm counting down the days until it's finally over, unfortunately I still have 33 days. Which may not seem long however is.

I've been thinking recently about my life and my future.
This is my new beginning, I'm going to shape my life to exactly how I want it to be, not to how someone thinks it should be. 
I want many things from life. I want for now to be happy and have an amazing time being young and free whilst I still am - I've only just come to realise how short life actually is.
I'm going to be slim and healthy, I recently decided I would like to become a runner - many people think I won't be able to do this and maybe they're right however I try my best to prove them wrong, I'm going to show people I can do things when I set my mind to it - I've set myself some very important goals, I want to comeplete for the end of my summer holidays;
1. Lose 12 pounds, I currently hate my body and I'm going to change it.
2. Be truly happy within myself.
3. Grow my hair longer, I look more like a boy at the moment therefore with longer hair I won't be mistaken for the opposite gender.
& my life time goal; I want to be a writer therefore I'm going to work to the best of my ability to be a writer, a successful writer.

   Anyway all my lovely readers, I best be heading off - I'm extremely tired and I still need to shower and revise what a bummer. I'll blog again as soon as possible, thankyou!


Tuesday, 15 June 2010

I apologise.

Dear my beautiful readers ♥,
 I do apologise for spending little time blogging recently, I've been a very busy bee as it happens.
Once again; exams, exams, exams. I'm sick of it! - however I have no choice but to revise, therefore once they're all done I'll blog much more frequently.
I love you all.

             Lanaa, x.