Thursday, 21 January 2010

Just another thursday afternoon.

Today was kind to me.
Yes, normally i do enjoy school but today was slightly more interesting in my eyes.
I had my first French speaking exam, I guess it went okay - better than i had expected it to.
But as i'd had yesterday - wednesday - off there happened to be lots of things to catch up on.
& i've realised i can enjoy math.
i understand that could make me sound very nerdy, however honestly i don't care.
I'm actually rather proud.

"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic."

10 things i love.

1. The beautiful sight of a sun setting on the other side of the ocean.
2. The silly things my best friend - Kate - says.
3. Getting good grades& seeing how proud my mam is.
4. How my beauitful boyfriends says 'I love you'
5. The smell of creamy tea and buttery toast in the morning.
6. The face my brother pulls when he realises he's wrong, that could always put a smile on my face.
7. Walking in a the wildlife, being able to hear each noise and discover new and delightful wonders.
8. Sitting on the crisp green grass, under a massive oak, with a steamy cuppa, with one of my delightful tales.
9. Knowing the day after tomorrow is a Saturday, no school - a time to relax and enjoy myself.
10. My Life.

Love Lana, who loves life.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Five special things.

I woke up today with my cold growing worse.
But all I could think about was how lucky I am to be alive. To have the people I love.

These are five of those special things I love.

1. Waking up on a cold winter morning to find my mam's made me a steaming mug of tea to have before I have to leave the warmth of my home to travel in the bitter cold.
2. Hearing the soft knock at my front door, knowing it's my baby coming to see me. He will always be my special person.
3. The soft feelings you get when dressing in fresh, clean clothes.
4. The satisfaction of opening the curtains and being hit with the sun's light beams.
5. And finally knowing my family and friends are proud of me.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, lifes been busy recently but those things have made me realise the true meaning of life. And I'm greatful.

"Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass." -Rupert Brooke
I'm waiting on summer. Summer brings me joy, even if the British summer is hardly a difference from winter.
I would like to move to America and experience a true summer.

Love Lana, who loves summer.


It feels as if I haven't been online in years.
I've been busy with Christmas, New Years, Exams. Every thing's been very busy around here recently, but I'm back now!

My life's been a roller coaster the past few months.
My grandad's been in hospital, My cousins have moved to France, My brother had a car accident.
I've had dozens of exams, but guess they're all worth it in the end.
- It's been a lot to handle, I honestly thought I'd go crazy.
But I've made it through the other end.

I love life.
Comment? xx