This weekend has been absolutely wonderful, it's had it's bumps however overall I've enjoyed myself and thats the most important part, right?
My weekend kicked off with a relaxing friday evening with my boyfriend. We watched 'American Gangster' whilst sharing a chinese which was lovely. The film is now in my top 10 favourite films, it's was extraordinary. & my boyfriend really knows how to make me smile, even if he doesn't realise it.
Saturday I spent the day babysitting with my friend Freddie, which was pleasant as I don't get to see him very often. And also it was sunny, which always make me smile!
Then today I've spent the day alone, relaxing & watching TrueBlood season two - as my lovely brother brought me it on DVD last week for my birthday. Drooling over Alexander Skarsgard is the perfect way to spend a slighty chilly sunday afternoon in my opinion.
& as I type this very blog my nana has very kindly surprised me with a brand new pair of heels! Arhh, blissful.

They're so lovely, are they not?
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