Friday, 14 May 2010

As the days flow by.

Dear readers ♥,

 I do apologise for my lack of blogs recently, I don't know why but I just haven't had much inspiration or time.

Tonight I'm staying with some family members I haven't seen in a while, we've spent the evening dicussing family things and looking after my adorable baby cousin, Dominic. I enjoy staying here, I use to a lot a few years ago however I slowly dwindled away, my aunt and uncle lost their first born child after only being with us for 16 days, this caused a lot of stress on our family. I guess I felt they needed their own space to work things out together. Roughly a year later they had another child, Dominic who thankfully is healthy and happy. I've recently decided to start visiting more, I feel as if I don't spend enough time with my family and I need to change that.
My family means a lot to me, I only have my mothers side as I don't see my dad - long story - however my mothers side is large thankfully, I'm proud to be apart of my family; everyone is welcoming and loving. My family recently seems to be growing bigger and bigger. many of my aunts are currently pregnant and they could come a long anytime now, which is rather exciting. Unfortunately I'm not exactly too close to much of my family, apart from my mother, grandad, and aunt; though I'm not close to everyone I still love each and everyone of them, because they're family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

 My lifes started getting complicated once again.
I'm doing exams which take up a lot of my free time and then anytime I have I spend with my boyfriend. I'm soon to be leaving school, though I already know exactly what I want to do it's slightly nerv-racking. It's the way to go about things; which college to attend? Will I actually be able to fulfil my dream? I have thousands of unanswered questions flowing through my mind at once, My confidence is lacking more than usual. I'm covered in spots from all the stress caused by school, which doesn't help anything. I know I'll get through this but it's hard, at the moment I feels as if I'm standing in the middle of a tunnel, filled with darkness, only a glimmer of light at either end - it's unknown when I'll make it through to the end, all I can do is hope it comes soon.
 - Sorry about such a meaningless post, I thought I'd better update. Thanks to everyone reading, you mean alot.

 Love Lana who Loves Life.

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